Edited by The Demon. All comments and queries should be addressed to DROMAHAIRDIARY@GMAIL.COM

Sunday 1 July 2012

One month on.....

Today the Dromahair Diary has been in existence for one month. To date it has had 2,731 views, from readers in several countries, including Ireland, Great Britain, USA, Canada, Portugal, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, United Arab Emirates, China and Laos. The most recent comment came from John Gillmor of Honolulu, Hawaii. Word has been spreading. Numbers have been building steadily and currently the blog is attracting in the region of 190 views on a daily basis, which should give monthly views in excess of 5,700. Not bad in a village with a population of 750!

So far the Diary has launched the Cottage Gardener feature, the Focus on Business feature and the Business Directory, and published news as it came in, along with photographs, local notices and some opinion pieces.

Over the next month it is hoped to launch a Social Directory, along the same lines as the Business Directory, with contact details for all the social, voluntary and recreational groups in the village and surrounding areas. If you are a member of any of these and would like to see your group listed, please contact the Diary at dromahairdiary@gmail.com. Where possible, it is also planned to publish features on the activities of local voluntary groups and associations.

During the rest of 2012 the intention is to continue the focus on businesses in the Dromahair area, and to feature more of these in detail on the Diary over the coming months. If you are involved in a business locally and would like to be featured, please contact the Diary. If you have been left out of the business listings, this is inadvertent. Please get in touch. The Diary will be happy to include you.

The Dromahair Diary is also happy to publish adverts free of charge for local businesses. Just send an email with your details to dromahairdiary@gmail.com and we will be in touch to discuss your requirements.

Another item on the agenda for the Diary in the months to come is a feature provisionally entitled "Pillars of the Community" spotlighting the enormous contributions made to this village by various individuals. Some names already spring to mind, however if you would like to see a focus on the work or other contribution of a particular person, please let us know.

The Dromahair Diary is intended, above all else, to be a forum for local opinion, to promote local interests and to shine a spotlight on local issues. Therefore, local contributions are not just welcome; they are vital. Please send in your news, views and anything else you think might be of interest to your friends or your neighbours. If you are an aspiring poet, drop us a few lines. If you are an artist - we'll publish your pictures. A nice photograph - we'd love to see it! Anonymity is fine, if you're too shy to put your name to your work. The only limits the Diary will impose are those of commonsense (and spelling - the Editor is pedantic!).

Thank you for your support to date - the response has been so encouraging. Please keep checking in - you never know what you might miss!


  1. Happy Anniversary!! and a real big THANK YOU for taking the time to produce the diary. It is already very useful and I think the Social Diary would be fantastic for the village.
    Once again thanks and congrats!

  2. And so say all of us.
    Thanks for the time and work.
    Up the Dromahair Diary.
